Month by Month planting times by season for your vegetables, roots, flowers, herbs and green manures.
A simple month by month laminated planting guide for Subtropical eastern Australia. Plan your plantings in advance with the utilisation of this practical tool. Planting time for different annual vegetables and flowers is crucial to success. The back of the guide also has a Vegetable Information Chart with Latin name, Soil PH requirements, time from plant to harvest, spacing, propagation methods and pollination. Pollination is critical for seed saving and this is a crucial part of gardening abundance success. Letting plants complete their full life cycle. The source of seed is also crucial, open pollinated seedlings or seed companies are critical. Byron Seed Share is a local initiative on the north coast of New South Wales. These planting material and seed sharing groups are needed in every community.
Our food and agriculture methods are under extreme threat by Big Tech and in their arrogance they are using complex science to hide modifications in our food chains. Cultures that have farmed for thousands of years are being told that these methods are better and that big tech have the answers to fertilising, soil management and of course water management. Follow the work of Vandana Shiva, scientist and activist who has been working tirelessly to preserve traditional farming.
The Navdanya Biodiversity Conservation Farm was founded in 1995. Navdanya has been instrumental in conserving biodiversity through the set up of over 120 community centred, decentralised indigenous seed banks across India, which are making farmers free of dependence on costly unreliable nutritionally empty seeds and helping them move from vulnerability to resilience in the context of climate change.
Thanks to Navdanya’s learning centre Earth University (Bija Vidyapeeth) farmers from across India can get trained in organic farming to create the future in agroecology. Courses are organised every year for citizens’ organizations and movements from all over the world to explore the principles and practice of sustainability and diversity and learn from the cutting edge ecological research combined with practical experience.
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